Regular price
$288.00 HKD
$288.00 HKD
香港製造、 24瓶小丸裝
、 婦女之寶 極品配方以燕窩、人參、珍珠、靈芝、當歸、烏雞為主配,合多種名貴中草藥材,並採用最先進的優良製藥程式生產方法,取其有效成份濃縮而成
貨號: 1000126510
香港製造、 24瓶小丸裝
婦女之寶 極品配方
主治: 血兩虛、身體瘦弱、經期腹痛、血色失常、容顏易老、產後虛損、心翳煩躁。
功能: 補氣養血,保養安胎,袪瘀生新,產後培元,強身健體,駐顏潤肌
Made in Hong Kong, 24 Bottles of Sachets
The ultimate women’s treasure formula
It is mainly composed of bird's nest, ginseng, pearls, Ganoderma lucidum, angelica root, and black-bone chicken, combined with a variety of precious Chinese herbal medicines, and uses the most advanced and excellent pharmaceutical production methods to concentrate its effective ingredients.
Indications: Blood deficiency, body weight loss, abdominal pain during menstruation, abnormal blood color, easy aging, postpartum weakness, and irritability.
Function: Nourish qi and blood, maintain and prevent miscarriage, remove blood stasis and regenerate, strengthen the body after childbirth, strengthen the body, maintain skin and moisturize the skin