余仁生保嬰丹 (香港版)
Eu Yan Sang
- fixed price
Regular price
$152.00 HKD
$152.00 HKD
- 保嬰丹由上等天然草藥,以古法配方製煉而成,安全有效
- 主治:小兒感冒,驅風清熱,夜睡不寧。
成份 :
貨號: 52080994
- 規格: 內有6樽,每樽淨重0.33克
- 保存期限:請參閱包裝
- 食用方法:初生至一個月內嬰兒:每日一次,每次半樽;
- 一個月至兩歲嬰兒:每日一次,每次一樽;
- 兩歲或以上小童:每日一次,每次兩樽。請按時以溫水調服。
- 保存方式:放置於室溫乾燥處。避免兒童誤取。
Both the nursing mother and baby should avoid cold, fishy, oily and heat-inducing stuffs. This product is not to be taken by infants suffering from G-6PD deficiency. This product is not suitable for long term use or should be used in accordance with a doctor's or a Chinese medicine practitioner's instruction