依馬打正紅花油 (50毫升)
依馬打 Imada
- fixed price
Regular price
$49.00 HKD
$49.00 HKD
簡介 :
產地 :
成份 :
冬青油, 桂葉油,,血竭,,紅花,大部份成份為天然物質,而且符合國際標準
貨號: 52107396
- 此藥油行銷南洋羣島,山巴鑛場,垂數十年,本品系選用純正地道名貴藥材, 精提煉製,功效迅速,質量優良,海外各地華僑信賴使用經常採購郵寄回鄉 ( 唐山 ) 酬贈親友。
- 只供外用, 不可口服. 患有感冒、水痘或發熱病的兒童避免使用含有水楊酸甲酯的產品及對水楊酸有過敏反應者. 使用本產品前,請諮詢中醫師或醫生意見. 孕婦及嬰兒忌用對破損或敏感皮膚小心慎用
- This medicinal oil has been sold in the Nanyang Islands and Shanba Mine for decades. This strain is made of pure and authentic medicinal materials, refined and refined, with rapid efficacy and high quality. Overseas Chinese trust and use it often purchase and mail Returning home (Tangshan) to reward relatives and friends.
- For external use only, not to be taken orally. Children with colds, chicken pox or fever should avoid products containing methyl salicylate and those who are allergic to salicylic acid. Consultation before using this product Advice from Chinese medicine practitioners or doctors. Pregnant women and infants should avoid using it on damaged or sensitive skin.