新一代靈芝孢子油 (120粒)
New Millennium
- fixed price
- buy three get one free please input 4 in quantity
Regular price
$3,999.00 HKD
$3,999.00 HKD
簡介 :
- 精選優良破壁赤靈芝孢子粉,採用先進的高新分離技術
- 按照GMP生產管理要求
產地 :
成份 :
貨號: 52024164
- 此產品以關注免疫力低下的人士為對象
- 此產品或有助增強免疫力
- 規格:120粒/樽,210毫克/粒
- 用法:每日1次,每2次1-2粒軟膠囊,用溫開水口服
- 有效期:2年,具體日期以收到的實物為準,開封後跟從產品包裝指示。
- This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons
- Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made
- for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This
- product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease
- Information is for reference only. Refer to the instruction that comes with the product for details.